Usage with Accounts Package Integration

Usage with Accounts Package Integration


When integrated with an accounting package it is essential that you keep the following two rules in mind:
  1. KCC controls your stock, its value and your orders. Although it can be used for some accounts functions, for example debt management, it is probably easier to do this in your accounting package. It can't be used for payments on account for suppliers or customers.
  2. Your accounting package controls your accounts and can not be used for stock value, stock tracking, inventory control, Stock CoS or production of invoices.


What will sync between the two systems?

KCC will sync your sales and purchase invoices as well as exporting payment allocations with your accounting package. Synchronisations are carried out in the [Accounts | Accounts Integration | Export] and [Accounts | Accounts Integration | Import] screens.


  1. Credit notes allocated as a payment for invoices will not transfer in either direction. The allocation of credit notes to invoices should ideally be performed on both systems, but minimally on your accounting package.
  2. Stock (or inventory) and Cost of Sale nominals will not be used under any circumstances, whether mapped or not. It is the responsibility of the user to manage CoS within an accounting package. The [Accounts | Trial Balance] screen within KCC will be able to provide the required details for this.
  3. When Accounts Integration is enabled, users are prevented from creating payments for account customers within KCC meaning this task must be done from within your accounting package. Once payments are created in in your accounting package, they can be imported, created and allocated back in to KCC.
Please Note: The allocation of credit notes to invoices will not sync in either direction.


Synchronising Data

Exporting to your accounting package

Any information which is not yet exported will be shown in the Pending Export grid within the [Accounts | Accounts Integration] screen, under the Export tab.

To export pending transaction information to Xero

  1. Green select the rows you wish to export within Pending Export grid.
  2. Click the Actions button.
  3. Select Upload Data.
If the following error occurs in the Feedback grid after uploading: "A validation exception occurred Account code or ID must be specified", it means that there are nominal account mappings missing within your integration configuration. Any nominal codes you have created in KCC must also exist in your accounting package, and these must be mapped within the Mapping tab.
Please Note:
The above procedure can be viewed in this video and is the same both Quickbooks and Xero.

Manually Marking Data as Exported

Although this should not be required, it is possible to mark any rows on the Pending Export grid as exported. This will move the item(s) down to the Successfully Exported grid and will prevent Khaos Control Cloud re-sending this information. To do this:
  1. Green select the relevant line(s) on the Pending Export grid.
  2. Click the orange Grid Actions button.
  3. Select Mark as Exported.
The above procedure can be viewed in this video, How to Mark Information as Exported when Integrated with Xero.

Exported Successfully grid

On the grid in the middle of the screen, it’s possible to see the list of information which has been successfully exported. The grid details what type of information has been exported (e.g. Company, Invoice, Stock Item, etc.), the export date, as well as whether or not the exported information has been seen by your accounting package, which is indicated by a green tick on the right of the grid.
Please Note:
If an item is manually marked as exported from the Pending Export grid, it will show in this grid without a green tick indicating your accounting package has not seen this information.

Error Feedback Grid

The grid at the bottom of the Export screen outlines any issues Khaos Control Cloud encountered whilst attempting to export the information specified. This could show for example that a Sales Invoice was not be exported as the Stock Item does not exist.

Importing Payment Transactions

Any payment information which is pending import will be shown in the grid within the [Accounts | Accounts Integration] screen, under the Import tab.

To download payments

  1. Go to the Import tab.
  2. Green select the payment(s) you wish to import to KCC.
  3. Click the Actions button and select Create & Allocate Payments.

This process will download payment information from your accounting package, create the payment in KCC and then allocate the payment to relevant invoices. Once this has been completed, the payments will show up in the Import grid with the status showing “Payment created and allocated”. Both customer and supplier accounts as well as relevant bank accounts will be updated with these payments. Any messages other than those mentioned above, should be used for diagnosing and rectifying any issues with the import data and once rectified the process should be repeated by the user.


Please Note: Credit notes allocated to invoices will not appear in the grid as credit note allocations do not sync.