Bank Account
Client Query - Payment Method for PayPal
Question/Problem How can we do Paypal payment when they are required. Paypal payments are not currently possible within Khaos Control Cloud. Bank account selection for imported orders can only be determined based on the delivery option rather than ...
Rolled Up Batches in Bank Reconciliation
Overview The below will show you how to manage rolled up batches when reconciling bank accounts. Usage View what transactions are in a batch Open the bank account. Green select the batch. Click on the Actions button. Select Show Contents of Batch, a ...
Create New Batches and Use Batch Reconciliation
Overview The below will show you how to create new batches and reconcile your bank accounts using rolled up batches. Usage Add items to batch, either new or existing batch Open the Bank Account. Filter for the transactions you wish to add to a batch, ...
Set Up a New Bank Account
Overview There must be at least one bank account set up in order for the system to work correctly and at least one bank account per currency, for example Sterling account and Euro account. This video shows you how to do this: A step by step guide can ...
Khaos Control Cloud Setup Guide - System Data - Bank Accounts
Overview This page is intended to compliment the training you undertake to help you set up your Khaos Control Cloud for your business. The Help menu is also available by clicking on the yellow question mark button in the top right of your screen, or ...
Perform a Bank Reconciliation
Overview The method used to perform bank reconciliations is described in the following video. The step-by-step instructions are below the video. Steps Open the bank account. Use the filters to refine your entries and populate the grid. Click on the ...
Banking Non Banked Payments
Overview Non banked payments, usually cash and cheques, are not banked automatically by the system like credit card payments. This is because you need to take them to your bank in order to bank them. You then need to replicate this in your accounts. ...