SP Ledger
Add Multi Line Purchase Invoices in the SP Ledger
Problem/Question How do I create a multi line purchase invoice in the SP Ledger? Solution Multi-line purchase ledger entries are not currently supported in Khaos Control Cloud, however, using the duplicate row feature from the Actions menu allows ...
Reflect the purchase of consumables
Overview Sometimes you may need to reflect the purchase of consumable items in KCC, these are items you need to run the business and will not be selling. Usage There are two possible methods to do this, depending on your needs. Method one If you need ...
Client Query - SP Ledger Invoice Number not Showing on Statement
Question/Problem The real reference of an invoice placed on the SP ledger is not shown on the company statement page. Cause This has occurred as the SP Ledger was posted and at a later time the InvoiceRef was entered. When posting to the SP Ledger ...
Create a Duplicate SP Ledger Entry
Overview This video will show you how to create a copy of an existing SP ledger entry. Step by step instructions can be found below the video. Steps 1. In Accounts, open the SP Ledger and locate the entry you wish to duplicate. 2. Go into Edit Mode. ...
Adding Non Stock Invoices using the SP Ledger
Overview When you wish to enter invoices for items that you are not selling for example utility bills, rent, equipment, marketing expenses etc, you use the SP Ledger (Sales Purchase Ledger). This video explains the process and there are step by step ...