Duplicate a Price List
Purpose If you have a number of price lists sharing much of the same data, you can save time creating them by duplicating the price lists and then making any necessary changes. How to duplicate a price list: To duplicate your price list you will need ...
Duplicate Price List
Problem I need to add the same products from one price list on to a new price list but at a different price. Is it possible to duplicate a price list? Solution Yes, using grid exports you can create a duplicate a price list. Follow the steps below to ...
Client Query - Bulk Updates to Price Lists
Problem/Question How do we make bulk updates to our price lists, and change the "List Price" in the Promotions tab? Solution You can do this using either of the following methods: Price List Imports Using Price List Imports the steps are: Create the ...
Client Query - New Stock Item Not Showing in Pricelist
Problem/Question New stock item not showing in pricelists. Solution For a product to exist on a price list it first needs to be specified on the price list. If you wish to add a new item to a price list, choose the price list from the Price List drop ...
Client Query - Duplicate Price List
Problem/Question I have a price list that I need to copy but with a different discount, how can I duplicate it? Solution Price lists must be created individually and can't be duplicated or imported. However, if you have lots of price lists or lots of ...
Adding Stock Items to a Price List
Overview This video demonstrates the process of adding stock items to an existing price list. Step by step instructions are below the video. Steps Go to [Promotions | Customer Price List]. Select the pricelist you wish to add products to from the ...
Client Query - Price List NET or GROSS?
Problem/Question Prices determined by a price list are not having the correct VAT applied in a sales order. Solution Go to [System Setup | System Data | Price Lists]. Ensure the price list affected has the NET Prices checkbox correctly applied. To ...
Client Query - Set a Percentage Discount Against Various Stock Items in a Price List
Problem/Question How to set a percentage discount against various stock item's on a Price List. Solution You can bulk update by following this process: Open the price list you wish to edit prices. Green select the lines you wish to update. Click the ...
Deleting a Price List from a Customer’s Record
Overview The following video explains how to remove a price list from a customer record. This might be because they are no longer entitled to the prices on the price list or it is an outdated price list. Step by step instructions are below the video. ...
Setting Up Price Lists
Overview Price Lists are one of the key promotions in the system. They allow you to define prices that are limited to specific groups of customers because it is attached to their record in their Structured Pricing tab. This video explains how you set ...
Khaos Control Cloud Setup Guide - System Data - Price Lists
Overview This page is intended to compliment the training you undertake to help you set up your Khaos Control Cloud for your business. The Help menu is also available by clicking on the yellow question mark button in the top right of your screen or ...
Define a Mark Up Percentage against a Stock Item in a Price List
Using Price Lists you can set the Sell Price of a stock item by using a Markup % on the item's Buy Price, this video shows you how. A step by step guide can be found below the video. Ensure the price list is in Edit mode. Enter the required markup ...
Assign a Price List to a Customer
Overview A customer is entitled to the prices on a Price List if that Price List has been added to a customer record, or the Price List is attached to a Keycode and the customer uses the Keycode on a sales order. This video shows you how you can add ...
Set Quantity Price Breaks Against Stock Items in a Price List
Overview You can setup quantity price breaks in Price Lists so that the number of items the customer buys will determine how much they pay for the items. A step by step guide can be found below the video. Steps Ensure the Price List is in Edit mode. ...
Setup Alternative Selling Prices Against Stock Items in a Customer Price List
Overview If you are setting up customer Price Lists, then you can set an alternate selling price for an item, to see how check out the video. A step by step guide can be found below the video. Steps Ensure the Price List is in Edit mode. Use the ...
Set a Percentage Discount against a Stock Item's List Price in a Price List
Overview If you're using Price Lists then you can apply a percentage discount off the List Price on the stock item. Check out how to set this up on the following video. A step by step guide can be found below the video. Steps Ensure the Price List is ...