View Profit Margins for Move With Relationships
Overview You can use profit margins for move with relationships to see whether it is worth it to continue selling as a pack in the future. Bear in mind that you can only see this information once the parent item has been sold. Usage In order to see ...
Client Query - Print the Stock Value for my Stock Items
Problem/Question How can I print out the stock value for my stock items? Solution To print out information about your stock, including stock value: Open the Reports area. Click on the Ad Hoc Reports button at the bottom. Select System – Products. ...
Report UK sales or Rest of the World sales
Overview Sometimes you may need to report on sales split by region. Usage The inbuilt sales reports will give you this information, it just needs filtering to your requirements. Go to [Reports] Select any of the first 4 reports. Product Sales Product ...
Setting a sales reports to display sales orders and not sales invoices
Overview In Sales Report you can view order but Sales Order as well as the default Sales Invoice view Usage With your sales report open, click the filters button and scroll down. Near the bottom of the popup you will find a Sales Orders filter, which ...
View agent sales data
Overview You can view sales by agent using the inbuilt reports. Usage To do this: 1. Go to [Reports | Customer Sales]. 2.To view: Agent specific sales order data: Enable the SOrder Agent filter. Select the relevant agent in the dropdown menu. ...
Stock levels needed for current quotes
Overview You can see the products on active quotes and how many items are assigned in the reports section of the system. Steps Go to Product Item Sales report in the Reports section of the system, In the Filter section toggle on Quotations
Client Query - What is the difference between Sales Reports and P&L
Question/Problem Sales Reports and P&L figures do not match. Resolution/Solution The figures in reports can often differ, this is because the P&L shows net issued sales figures only. Sales reports can be filtered to include or exclude non-issued ...
Export Customers and Suppliers
Overview You can export customer and supplier information from the system. Steps You can do this by going to Reports Select Ad Hoc reports Then use the drop down to select System - Companies.
Use the Margin Report
Overview This video will show you how to check the margin being delivered in a sales order by using the margin report. A step by step guide can be found below the video. Steps Ensure the Sales Order is saved. use the Actions menu to select Margin ...
Reporting on Sales by Level 2 Stock Type
Overview It is possible to view all your sales for stock items by Level 2 Stock Type using the Product Type report. A step by step guide can be found below the video. Steps In Reports, open the Product Type Sales report. Use the Filters button to ...
Use Shared Filters in the Reports Screen
See how you can apply the filters you have used in one report and quickly use them in other reports. A step by step guide can be found below the video. Steps To turn on shared filters: In Reports, open the required report. Use the Filters button to ...