Packs & Builds
Remove a Stock Item from a Build Relationship
Overview The following guide explains how to remove a single stock item from a build relationship. This may be due to a newly discontinued item that was previously part of a build or simply a change in what items are included in the build. Usage Go ...
Relationship Stock Item Weight
Overview The below will explain how the system calculates weights for shipping of stock items with relationship items. Usage This will depend on the type of relationship the stock item is using. We have listed both scenarios below. Build Relationship ...
View Stock Item Relationships
Overview The below will show you the options of how to see what relationships a stock item belongs to. Usage In your [Stock Items] list screen, it is possible to filter for a specific relationship type, i.e. Move With or Build. It will not display ...
Importing Stock Item Relationships
Before You Begin This guide should be used in conjunction with the Relationship Mapping document here, Khaos Control Cloud Data Import Mapping - Relationships. Please Note: Stock items that have relationships imported incorrectly can not easily be ...
Reverse Move With or Unbuild
Overview You may have items where the build parent items are bought in a case but sold in both the individual units and also as a case. Usage The preferred method of doing this is to have two stock items set up on KCC, one for the case you buy and ...
Error Message - Relationships cannot be set when there are existing assigned levels
Overview If you receive the above message when trying to create a Relationship stock item, it is because the system will not allow relationships to be created if any of the items involved are currently assigned to existing sales orders. ...
Auto Set Value Proportions in Packs and Builds
Overview This video explains how to auto set value proportions when creating packs or builds. There are instructions below the video. Steps Go to the Relationships tab within the [Stock Item] record. Click the AutoSet Value Proportions button. In the ...
Client Query - How does the system calculate the buy price for move with?
Question How does the system calculate the buy price for a move with or pack stock item? Solution A Move With parent item is not stock controlled as it is a virtual item. It is not possible to purchase the parent item and therefore doesn't have a buy ...
Create a Pack Relationship
Overview You can create packs, also known as move with or bundle relationships. This video explains the process: Steps Create a non stock controlled pack parent item. Go to the Relationships tab. Enter Edit mode. Use the Relationship Type drop down ...
Create a Build Relationship
Overview This video explains how you create a build stock item, adding the child items and other options available. A step by step guide can be found below the video. Steps Create a stock controlled build parent item. Go to the Relationships tab. ...
Stock Items With Build Relationships
Overview If you are using Build stock items, then you will need to build them before you can sell them. This video explains the process. A step by step guide can be found below the video. Steps Open the Build Parent Item's Stock Record. Open the ...
Using Unbuild to Split Multipacks
Overview This video shows you how to use unbuild to split up multipacks into single stock items that can then be sold. A step by step guide can be found below the video. Steps Create separate stock controlled SKUs; One for the Multipack One for the ...
Unbuild a Stock Item
Overview When you are working with build stock items it is possible to unbuild an item therefore increasing the number of child items and decreasing the parent build item. You may wish to do this so you can sell the child items. This video explains ...