Client Query - Shipping Cost Amendment Not Changing Item Price
Problem/Question I've put through a couple of purchase orders with 'shipping' costs added at the Purchase Invoice stage, I expected the cost price of the item to change accordingly as per the message box dictates, however, this isn't happening. ...
Client Query - When is the Supplier Ref Field Recorded Against a Stock Item Used?
Problem/Question When is the Supplier Ref field recorded against a stock item used? Can I search for it? Solution The Supplier Ref field is so your purchase documentation has the reference number used by your supplier when identifying an item. It can ...
Minimum Order Quantity
Overview The below will show you how to add a minimum order quantity for purchase orders at a supplier level E.g. a Purchase Order needs to be £500 or it needs to be x amount of units Usage There is the option of having individual items from a ...
Adding Overheads to the Stock Value in the Stock Screen
Overview This video explains how to see the impact of overheads on the margin generated by a stock item from within the stock record.
Client Query - Why is the Stock Level in the Stock List Screen incorrect?
Question/Problem: I have the stock screen open and then I have posted a delivery note to the system but the stock level has not updated, why? Solution Close the stock screen and re-open it or press F5 to refresh the screen. Notes If a screen has been ...
Client Query - Why does my Stock Value report not match the stock nominal in the Trial Balance?
Problem My stock value report does not match my stock nominal in the Trial Balance. Solution There are several reasons why your stock nominal might not match your stock value, many of these reasons, detailed below, depend on your business processes. ...
Add a Buy Price and Sell Price to a Stock Item
Overview The following explains how to add the buy and sell price and stock value to a stock item. The buy price is the price we pay when purchasing the stock items from the supplier. The sell price is the default price the customer is going to pay ...
Add Delivery Surcharges to Specified Products
Overview It is possible to setup surcharges for individual products, for example if there is additional packaging or handling that incurs additional costs. This charge is added to the main delivery charge when the products are added to the sales ...
View the Stock Value Calculation for a Stock Item
Overview This video explains where you can see how the Stock Value of a Stock Item has been calculated. A step by step guide can be found below the video. Steps Open the Stock Item Record. Ensure that you are in the Properties tab. Use the Actions ...