Stock Adjustments
Client Query - Why hasn't Stock Adjustments for a Stock Item Assigned it to an Order?
Question We did a stock adjustment for a stock item, why has this not been allocated to Sales order waiting for this stock item? Answer The preferred process to achieve the above would be to raise a Purchase Order, this is because when the stock is ...
Perform a Stock Take
Overview There are several steps required to perform a stock take, the following steps are a suggestion only. Usage Pause the import of sales orders from the channels. In the Channels screen for each of your channels, toggle the Don't import orders ...
Adjusting Stock Levels
Overview There may be time you need to adjust the quantity of stock into the system, in doing so, this will update the stock nominal. To do this you must have either imported or manually created your stock in the system along with the stock value. ...
Perform a Site Stock Transfer
Overview This video will show you how to transfer stock from one site to another. A step by step guide can be found below the video. Steps In Stock Tools, open Stock Adjustments. Double check the Site you are logged in to using the Sites button to ...
Perform a Stock Adjustment
Overview There are times when you need to adjust stock in and out of the system, for example as the result of a stock take, This video explains the process to follow. A step by step guide can be found below the video. Steps From Stock Tools, open the ...