User Interface
Filtering and Sorting Grids
Overview In the screens in Khaos Control Cloud it is possible to filter for information and sort information in the grids. Usage Sorting the grid By clicking on the column heading you can sort ascending (one click - first picture) and descending (two ...
Suggest a New Feature
Overview It is possible to suggest a new feature within Khaos Control Cloud. There are 2 ways in which you can do this: 1. Whilst logged into Khaos Control Cloud, you can go to the user menu and select 'Suggest a Feature'. 2. You can go to our ...
Changing the Date Format per User
Overview It is possible to set the date to a format that is a different layout to that used in the United Kingdom. This is a setting that is per user so all users will need to follow the steps below in order to have the date set to a format that ...
KCC Mobile Usage Guide
Overview This guide contains the instructions on using the mobile version of Khaos Control Cloud. Instructions found in this article are universal for both Android and IOS devices. The mobile version of the software incudes all features of the system ...
Request a New Feature in Khaos Control Cloud
Overview We will always review requests for new features and we operate a system whereby our customers can vote on the ideas of others. Features with with most votes will be considered for development first, however if we spot a feature request that ...
Use the Grid Menu Selection Tool
Overview This video shows you how to use the grid menu selection tool in Khaos Control Cloud. There are brief instructions below the video. Steps This feature works on all grids throughout the system. Click the purple cog icon at the top of the grid. ...
Client Query - How can I search for part of a field, such as name?
Question/Problem How can I search for part of a field rather than type it in full? Resolution/Solution There is a wildcard feature in all free text search boxes on the system. The wildcard buttons are located at either end of the search field. If ...
Client Query - How Do I Export Information in a Screen?
Problem/Question How can I export information in a KCC screen? Solution All grids in the system can be exported and if using filters you can use the 'Export Grid data' to produce your report with the displayed results. Filter the grid as required. ...
Using Tri-State Toggles
Overview This video shows you how to use tri-state toggles to control filter options. The list of screens that have this option are below the video. Usage On any filter where a tri state toggle is used you have the following options: Left (Red) - Do ...
Go Live FAQ
Overview Having gone live there are new set of routine tasks that you will need to perform in order to keep your system running smoothly and your accounts accurate. How do I know if there are errors on my system? When you first log in to KCC you are ...
Use the Tag Manager
Overview The following video explains grid tagging, what it is and how it can be used to streamline your operations using visual indicators. You can find step by step instructions for grid tagging below the video. It is important to remember that ...
Updating Multiple Rows within a Grid at Once
Overview If you need to add the same values to multiply lines in one go. Usage Our grids have the capabilities for you to bulk update records when needed, this can be done by performing the following steps: Steps 1) Green select the lines you wish to ...
Using Universal Lookup
Overview Universal Lookup allows you to find documents even if you don't know what type of document you are looking for. Find out more by watching the video, or use the step by step guide below the video. Steps Click on the Magnifying Glass symbol ...