Set Up Countries

Set Up Countries


The Countries screen in KCC contains a list of countries for accounting, addressing, credit control and delivery purposes and uses the ISO 3166 standard. You may wish to configure some of these, this video explains how and there are step by step instructions beneath the video.


  1. Go to [System Setup | System Data | Countries].
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Change the details as required, the following areas can be changed or configured:
    1. Country name
    2. Two and three character country code.
    3. The Zone used with delivery rates and courier bandings.
    4. A default delivery charge, although this has been superseded by the delivery rates and courier setup.
    5. Pays VAT
    6. Is a member of the EU
    7. Sales nominal so that all sales revenue from one country or group of countries goes to the sales nominal set here.
    8. The default currency for the country
  4. Click Save Screen when finished.