Khaos Control Cloud - Data Import Guide

Khaos Control Cloud - Data Import Guide

Data Import

Once you have gone through the System Values configuration and set up any required System Data options, you may want to import your existing stock or customers and suppliers into Khaos Control Cloud (KCC). The Data Import facility enables you to do this by creating a template table for you to populate with your existing Stock, customers and suppliers or sales orders, and once filled in allows you to import this information back into KCC.

Template Generator

The template generator is found under [System Setup | Data Import]. Click on Generate Template and choose which template you would like to generate. Once you have done this, you will have the template generator screen with a four-step process. Each step contains field names to be added to your generated template, which will become column headings on the file once download ready for you to populate with information.

Step 1

The fields in this step are compulsory and will be automatically added to your generated template. This information is also required upon import, so those columns must be present and filled in on the file to be imported into KCC.

Step 2

The fields on this screen are optional but recommended for a more comprehensive data import. To add any of these fields/columns to your template download, enable the toggle on the right-hand side of the row you want to add. If you wish to add all the recommended rows, you can simply use the “Select all recommended?” toggle to the top right of the grid.

Step 3

The fields on this screen are also optional. Again, you can either enable the toggle on the row of the field/column heading you would like to add to your template or use the “Select all optional?” toggle on the top right of the grid.

Step 4

This step gives you a final overview of all the fields from the previous three steps which will make up your template. If you are happy with the overview, you can click Generate Template to download the .txt (Tab delimited) copy of your file.
There are Zoho Knowledge base articles and PDF downloads detailing the import fields. These include the title, field name, description and type of information is required in each field, for example text or number along with the maximum number of characters allowed. This will help you compile your import files.

You will find an explainer video for each type of import at the end of this page.

Compiling your data import file

The generated template will  download as a .txt file. One way to fill in the data import file is to open the downloaded file text into a spreadsheet, you can then populate the rows on the spreadsheet with the relevant information. 

Importing your Data

Once you have compiled your data ready for import, you will need to ensure it is saved as a “Text (Tab Delimited)” file in order to import the information back into Khaos Control Cloud (KCC). Once saved in this format, log in to KCC, go back to [System Setup | Data Import] and select “Import your data”.

Step 1

You can drag and drop your import file or browse your local resources to find and select the file to upload. You will also need to specify which type of data you are importing (Customer, Stock, Stock Levels or Sales Order) on the right-hand side of the screen, and we recommend previewing the data prior to import.

Step 2

KCC will verify the import file to let you know if the file is suitable for importing, along with listing the column headers seen within the file and highlighting in green the valid column headers. 

Step 3

This step is for the recommended data preview. The system will run a dummy import to check the data and will feedback to tell you how many rows the import preview was successfully able to import. 
Notes & Caveats:
  1. At this stage the data is not yet imported into your KCC system, you will need to continue to Step 4 in order to fully import your data.
  2. The system will only run a preview on the first 500 rows of data.

Step 4

The final step will be to fully import the data. Once you have done this, there will be no more click through options and the system will simply confirm how many items have been successfully imported. The data import screen can then be closed using the red cross button on the top right of the screen.

Once your data has imported, you will be able to view or find the imported information on the relevant screens within the system, for example from the Customer List screen.
Notes & Caveats: 
  1. Any price fields on the stock import should be entered as a numerical figure, and not in a currency format.
  2. It’s important to consider which order you would like to import information in, because some of the data import options will need to link to information already in KCC, for example if you want to link your suppliers to stock items you would need to have your supplier data on KCC prior to importing your stock items.

Importing My Stock Levels

Just before you go live with KCC it is essential to perform a stock take, this will help to ensure a smooth transition and is essential when using channels. You will need to import stock levels for each site you wish KCC to stock control.

Stock Level Template

Create the import template as follows:
  1. Go to [System Setup | Data Import].
  2. Click Create Template.
  3. Click Stock Level Template.
  4. There are only 2 mandatory fields and no optional fields.
  5. Click Next then click Generate Template.
  6. Populate the two columns of data on the template - the STOCK_CODE column is case sensitive.

Importing Stock Levels

In order to import your stock levels you must carry out the Importing Your Data procedure above.

How to Videos

Videos on the various types of data import can be viewed by clicking the links below.
  1. How to Import Stock Items
  2. How to Import Customers and Suppliers
  3. How to Import Stock Levels
  4. How to Import Sales Orders